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My Writing Journey: "Calamity", Part 3

I'm back with another writing update! It's been a rough several weeks for both my writing and reading efforts. I'm super behind on my effort to finish "The Ghost of Forsyth Academy", and it doesn't look like that'll be done by the end of the year, and I'm like 25 books behind on my reading goal if I want to actually read 100 books this year. I'm hoping that with the upcoming holidays, I'll have more time for both.

But you know what I did do? I finished editing the Calamity screenplay. Draft 3 is officially complete!

So what happens now? Honestly, I don't know. I don't think there's anything I can really add to the story myself. Obviously, there's some technobabble that could probably be tightened up and made to be, you know, accurate, and some of the speeches and monologues could be better, and Perl's motive for kidnapping Wil is half-baked at best, but otherwise, I think it's pretty good. I'm biased, obviously, but I really do think it's pretty good.

So at least that's a bright spot right now after the several weeks I've had, culminating in my phone and my favorite jacket being stolen from inside the church yesterday while I was at mass. If you couldn't tell, I'm a little peeved. It's making me spend more money in December that I don't need to spend, and I have spent a lot of money this month.

But this? It's done, it's an accomplishment, and I needed it.


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