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My Writing Journey: "Payidzos", Part 1

Here we go, another passion project. This time, instead of a paranormal mystery (The Ghost of Forsyth Academy) and an urban fantasy ("Calamity"), I'm writing a high fantasy. That means I have to do all my own worldbuilding, which has been challenging, but really fun.

There are some elements of the worldbuilding that are purely from my imagination - the gods, the realms, etc. - but the rest of my worldbuilding is based off the patois of Rive-de-Gier (although with a lot of help from other franco-provençal dialects since so much of the ripagérien patois is lost). I want to preserve the language as much as I can since it's dead and almost completely forgotten. To that effect, I've also decided that at the beginning of each chapter, I'll include a relevant worldbuilding text written in patois and translated into English. I think it's a nice touch, and it's a good way of connecting with my heritage.

I did have one false start. I got a few chapters in and realized I was already writing myself into a huge plot hole. Basically, my main character Lena had no clue she was going to be chosen as a champion. But that didn't make sense with her character or the story. But since I started with that, the plot hole became more and more obvious as I got further into the story until I just couldn't ignore it. At that point, it was just easier to restart, keeping what was good and completely changing the many things that made absolutely no sense. Honestly, there was more changing than keeping. But I think it was worth it. Without the gaping plot hole, I was able to get way further into the story. I'm nearly 20k words into the story, and this time I've actually made it into Payidzos. In fact, I've made it quite a way through the second part of five (in keeping in line with the number five being very important in the book).

I'm excited about this one. I think it's one I might be able to get published (after I finish it and edit it and all that). But whether or not I get it published, I have a feeling this one will be fun to write.


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