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My Writing Journey: "Calamity", Part 1

Years and years ago, William and I had an idea for the start of a superhero movie in which the supervillain's car won't start, so she's forced to take the 24 to get to the battle with the hero. Did I write an entire movie based on that stupid intro? Of course I did.

I'm currently editing the third draft, which I really want to finish editing by the end of the year. I'm trying to get it to be "Megamind" meets "OSS 117" and "The Other Guys". I'm worried that my supervillain/main character isn't OSS 117 enough, but hopefully with a little more editing we'll get there.

One thing that's really annoying is that in the first draft, I wrote a scene/gag that I absolutely loved. The final battle is set right outside Twitter headquarters, and Cal - the main character - launches a Tesla into the building. Cut to an exterior shot of Mar-a-Lago, where we hear a blood-curdling scream.

I thought it was hilarious. But then, Trump got (rightfully) banned from Twitter. And then, Elon Musk bought Twitter. And then he renamed Twitter and got rid of the iconic Twitter sign. Bye bye, great gag. I'm genuinely sad. I wonder if I can rework it so it's Musk screaming? Except I hate Musk, and I wouldn't want him anywhere near my movie. Oh well.

There are some other things I'm worried about, of course. At some point, Cal ends up being totally overpowered despite not using the full extent of her powers before that point. Same scene, and she's rambling about some hackery stuff. I do not know enough about hacking to properly write the scene, and frankly, I don't think that what I'm describing in that scene would actually be able to work in real life. I wonder how much suspension of disbelief I can bank on.


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