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Review: "Making Money" by Terry Pratchett

Quick Summary

Type: Novel, book 36 in Discworld series (book 2 in Moist von Lipwig subseries)

Genre: Fantasy, humor

Back Cover: "It's an offer you can't refuse.

Who would not to wish to be the man in charge of Ankh-Morpork's Royal Mint and the bank next door?

It's a job for life. But, as former con-man Moist von Lipwig is learning, the life is not necessarily for long.

The Chief Cashier is almost certainly a vampire. There's something nameless in the cellar (and the cellar itself is pretty nameless), it turns out that the Royal Mint runs at a loss. A 300 year old wizard is after his girlfriend, he's about to be exposed as a fraud, but the Assassins Guild might get him first. In fact lot of people want him dead

Oh. And every day he has to take the Chairman for walkies.

Everywhere he looks he's making enemies.

What he should be doing is . . . Making Money!"

Read Time: 2 days

Rating: 3.75 stars


This book disappointed me a little. I think the reason for that is that I read Going Postal first (naturally). But it felt very similar to the first book, but (amazingly) the stakes felt lower.

Because it had a similar feel to Going Postal, I still enjoyed the book. But I wish the dog had had more of a role in the story. I was a little confused about the Lord Vetinari wannabe, and the guy that wants to expose Moist von Lipwig. There were also a few characters that felt under-utilized (every character in the basement, for example) but I guess that's going to be true in a lot of books, especially Discworld books.

One scene I really did like, that honestly made the whole book for me, was the scene in which the head cashier makes a mistake for the first time ever. I thoroughly enjoyed that scene and the subsequent fallout.


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