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Review: "My Sister, the Serial Killer" by Oyinkan Braithwaite

Quick Summary

Type: Novel

Genre: Contemporary, crime, thriller

Back Cover: "When Korede's dinner is interrupted one night by a distress call from her sister, Ayoola, she knows what's expected of her: bleach, rubber gloves, nerves of steel and a strong stomach. This'll be the third boyfriend Ayoola's dispatched in, quote, self-defence and the third mess that her lethal little sibling has left Korede to clear away. She should probably go to the police for the good of the menfolk of Nigeria, but she loves her sister and, as they say, family always comes first. Until, that is, Ayoola starts dating the doctor where Korede works as a nurse. Korede's long been in love with him, and isn't prepared to see him wind up with a knife in his back: but to save one would mean sacrificing the other..."

Read Time: 2 days

Rating: 4 stars


This book was quite easy to read. Despite the simplicity of the writing, the story was clever and engaging.

Even though the main conflict of the story is about a serial killer, this is really a story about the relationship between the two sisters. One (the serial killer) is the golden child, the sister who always gets her way. The other is the scapegoat, the one who always has to clean up after the younger sibling, often to her own detriment.

The relationship is probably why I enjoyed the book so much. I have moments in my life when I feel like I, too, am putting others ahead of myself to my detriment, so I was really rooting for Korede to 'win' for once - to get the guy, find happiness, etc.

Because I was rooting for Korede to find an identity outside her sister, I was a little disappointed that she stood behind her sister at the end, but I realize turning on her sister also would not have been a satisfying ending. Frankly, what I was really hoping for was for Korede to find some happiness away from her sister.


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